You don't need to write an entire book to get published. One of the perks of being a member of the Diamond Valley
Writers' Guild is having the ability to showcase your work and have it published to the world in our anthology.
Prior to the Anthology, members could contribute their work to an online magazine called Straitjackets.
The magazine was retired in 2023, but the content has been preserved and migrated to free-forever hosting on Wix.
It is still accessible at the domain.
The Guild's first anthology is currently in development and it's NOT TOO LATE to get involved!
The submission deadline has passed, but you are welcome to submit to the waiting list.
If you would like to get involved, read the 2024 Anthology guidelines.
If you're not yet a guild member... join today!
If you're a member, you can also get involved by volunteering on the Anthology Committee.
The committee needs readers, editors, formatters and cover designers/illustrators.