“[God] has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
I went for a walk on this cool spring day,
Stopping by our lizard my respects to pay
As he warmed himself up on our house wall,
Then lifted my eyes hearing heaven’s call,
Was transported by the cloudy array
Gracing the skies (a glorious display!)
Then set off to get some sun and fresh air
And was blessed by God’s beauty everywhere!
The fragrance of roses greeted my nose
And trees in full bloom were ready to pose
For my camera, which I could not contain
But kept pulling out some beauty to frame.
Though most of my neighbors have manicured lawns,
It’s not far to where untamed nature dawns.
Along the backroad of our neighborhood
Mustard plants reaching my eye-level stood,
Cat tails were rampant in both green and tan
And yellow flowered weeds everywhere ran.
In springtime there’s beauty, even in weeds,
Which, if I stop to look, my spirit feeds.
They gave the roadsides a bright yellow glow
Which caused me to pause and my pace to slow
So I could examine individually
Their beauty which God created for me.
And my heart was struck by this truth sublime:
God makes all things beautiful in His time!
DVWG Guest Poet Alison Sanders